100+ Sociology MCQs for Various Competitive Exam

Sociology MCQs for Various Competitive Exam

  1. The term ‘sociology’ was coined by________?
    (a) Saint Simon
    (b) Herbert Spencer
    (c) Auguste Comte
    (d) Durkheim
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    (c) Auguste Comte
  2. In which year the term ‘Sociology’ was coined?
    (a) 1798
    (b) 1815
    (c) 1839
    (d) 1857
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    (c) 1839
  3. French Revolution took place in the year_______?
    (a) 1789
    (b) 1776
    (c) 1798
    (d) 1898
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    (a) 1789
  4. Sociology emerged in_______?
    (a) America
    (b) Europe
    (c) Asia
    (d) Africa
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    (b) Europe
  5. The word ‘Sociology’ is made up of two words. These are-_______?
    (a) Societies and Logy
    (b) Societia and Logistia
    (c) Socious and Logos
    (d) Socia & Logos
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    (c) Socious and Logos
  6. Society emerges out of______?
    (a) community’s existence
    (b) men’s existence
    (c) problem’s existence
    (d) relationship
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    (b) men’s existence
  7. Society symbolises the network of_______?
    (a) human relationships
    (b) social relationships
    (c) orientations
    (d) inter-connections
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    (b) social relationships
  8. ‘Society is the web of social relationships’ whose definition is this?
    (a) Maclver
    (b) H. Maine
    (c) Pluto
    (d) Aristotle
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    (a) Maclver
  9. There are two types of definition of society. These are-________?
    (a) Structural and interactional
    (b) Functional and structural
    (c) Evolutionary and diffusive
    (d) Structural and evolutionary
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    (b) Functional and structural
  10. Society is___________?
    (a) Natural
    (b) Deliberate
    (c) Practical
    (d) Functional
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    (b) Deliberate
  11. Marriage is a/an_______________?
    (a) important and universal social institution of society
    (b) important basis for group formation
    (c) helpful in strengthening the caste system
    (d) helpful in calming down the anger of two conflicting groups.
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    (a) important and universal social institution of society
  12. In the Industrialised western societies, the chief aim of marriage is not only procreation but___________?
    (a) companionship
    (b) emotional and psychological support and companionship
    (c) emotional and psychological support
    (d) divorce
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    (b) emotional and psychological support and companionship
  13. Marriage is considered to be necessary because______?
    (a) This is the only way to acquire paternal property
    (b) This is the only way of sexual gratification
    (c) This provides societal sanction
    (d) It is regularised and provides socially sanctioned sex gratification
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    (d) It is regularised and provides socially sanctioned sex gratification
  14. In his book ‘People of India’ who said ‘that probably there has existed in man a tendency to vary. This desire must have driven men to seek marital alliance with strangers, unfamiliar and unknown to him’.
    (a) Guha
    (b) Ghureye
    (c) Risley
    (d) Westermarck
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    (c) Risley
  15. Risley have given this statement put in question No. 4 to support his views on _______, regarding marriage.
    (a) Exogamy
    (b) Acculturation
    (c) Preference and prohibition
    (d) Cousin marriage
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    (d) Cousin marriage
  16. Who among the following was on the opinion that” A gift is a social substitute for money among moneyless cultures.”?
    (a) Ogburn and Nimkoff
    (b) Mauss
    (c) Frazer
    (d) Polyan
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    (a) Ogburn and Nimkoff
  17. The importance of the social division of labour as a criterion of social development has been insisted by_____?
    (a) Karl Marx
    (b) Emile Durkheim
    (c) F. Engels
    (d) Herbert Hyman
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    (b) Emile Durkheim
  18. Whose statement is this?
    “Jajmani relationships is the means by which the rich and powerful exploit the poor and coerce the workers into sustaining the power of those who have the upper hand and the higher rank.”
    (a) M.N. Srinivas
    (b) Mandelbaum
    (c) Beidelman
    (d) H. Maine
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    (c) Beidelman
  19. Kula exchange is associated with_______?
    (a) Tikopians
    (b) Trobriand Islanders
    (c) Krowe tribes
    (d) Azande tribes
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    (b) Trobriand Islanders
  20. The basis of slave system is always?
    (a) Political
    (b) Economic
    (c) Custom
    (d) Social need
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    (b) Economic
  21. Which of the following factors does not contribute to the growth of traditional societies?
    (a) Community and associational life is kept loose without any prescribed basis of social existence
    (b) Perpetuation of tribal and caste affiliation
    (c) Perpetuation of kinship and clanship
    (d) Continuation of agriculture as the dominant activity.
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    (a) Community and associational life is kept loose without any prescribed basis of social existence
  22. Which of the following statements is correct?
    (a) The percentage of the world’s population that live in cities is indeed very large
    (b) Most of the world has been urban most of the time.
    (c) Most of the world has been rural most of the time.
    (d) India is a highly urban country
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    (c) Most of the world has been rural most of the time.
  23. A characteristic feature of a rural community is_______?
    (a) Formal relationship
    (b) Rational will
    (c) Community sentiment
    (d) A vast number of association
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    (a) Formal relationship
  24. Who among the following was the first to distinguish between the state and the government?
    (a) Locke
    (b) R. Dahl
    (c) Marx
    (d) Max Weber
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    (a) Locke
  25. ‘The state originates and continues to exist for the sake of the best life’. Whose opinion is this?
    (a) Aristotle
    (b) C.W. Mills
    (c) R. Dahl
    (d) W. Pareto
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    (a) Aristotle
  26. Who among the following is associated with authority?
    (a) Hobbes
    (b) Rousseau
    (c) M. Weber
    (d) Locke
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    (c) M. Weber
  27. The three-tier system of Panchayati Raj was recommended by_________?
    (a) Kaka Kalekar Committee
    (b) Simon Commission
    (c) Balwant Rai Mehta Committee
    (d) Jai Prakash Narain Committee
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    (c) Balwant Rai Mehta Committee
  28. Functional theory of stratification propounded by_______?
    (a) Davis and Parsons
    (b) Davis and Moore
    (c) Parsons and Ross
    (d) Goode and Hatt
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    (b) Davis and Moore
  29. Who among the following has emphasized upon the functional aspects of stratification?
    (a) Durkheim, Weber, Parsons
    (b) Marx, Weber, Davis
    (c) Davis, Moore, Parsons
    (d) Lenski, C.W. Mills, Parsons
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    (c) Davis, Moore, Parsons
  30. The society has passed through the three stages of its development-theological, metaphysical and the positive. This view was held by________?
    (a) Max Weber
    (b) H. Spencer
    (c) F. Tonnies
    (d) A. Comte
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    (d) A. Comte
  31. A social movement depends on_______?
    1. A goal
    2. An Organisation
    3. A programme
    4. A set of value
    (a) 1, 2, 3 and 4
    (b) 1 and 4
    (c) 1, 3 and 4
    (d) 1, 2 and 3
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    (a) 1, 2, 3 and 4
  32. Whose definition is this?
    ‘Tribe is an indigenous unit speaking a common language, claiming a common descent, living in a particular geographical area, backward in technology, pre-literate, loyally observing social and political customs based on kinship.’

    (a) A conference at Shillong in 1962
    (b) Earth Summit at Rio in 1992
    (c) Radcliffe Brown
    (d) Indigenous People Conference, Sav Paulo 1937
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    (a) A conference at Shillong in 1962
  33. Practice of welcoming guests, by spitting on their body is practiced by_________?
    (a) Azande
    (b) Onges
    (c) Sherdukpens
    (d) Masai
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    (d) Masai
  34. Demographers do not take into account__________?
    (a) Age, sex and racial composition of the population
    (b) Height and weight of the population
    (c) Birth and death rate
    (d) Density of population
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    (b) Height and weight of the population
  35. What is meant by sex-ratio?
    (a)The relation between male and female
    (b) The ratio between the number of adult male and adult females in a population
    (c)The ratio between number of female and number of male in a population
    (d) The number of females per 1000 males in a population
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    (d) The number of females per 1000 males in a population
  36. The scheduled castes in India provide an example of a________?
    (a) Formal group
    (b) Reference group
    (c) Social category
    (d) Secondary group
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    (c) Social category
  37. Who gave the name ‘Harijans’ to the untouchables?
    (a) Indian constitution
    (b) B.R. Ambdedkar
    (c) M.K. Gandhi
    (d) G.S. Ghurye
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    (c) M.K. Gandhi
  38. According to whom the ‘self’ develops in a social context and is nurtured by primary groups?
    (a) Charles H. Cooley
    (b) Ruth Benedict
    (c) Mead
    (d) Freud
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    (a) Charles H. Cooley
  39. Who viewed corporate group in relation to authority and termed it as Verband?
    (a) Hobsbawm
    (b) Sir Henry Maine
    (c) Weber
    (d) None
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    (c) Weber
  40. The value which cannot be determined graphically is:_______
    (a) Median
    (b) Mean
    (c) Frequency table
    (d) None of the above
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    (a) Median
  41. The most frequent item of the series around which other items are densely populated is known as:_____
    (a) geometric mean
    (b) arithmetic mean
    (c) harmonic mean
    (d) mode
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    (d) mode
  42. What is the theoretical framework that fo­cuses on the level of economic development as the determinant of birth and death rates, referred to as?
    (A) Malthusian Theory of population
    (B) Optimum Theory of population
    (C) Demographic Transition Theory
    (D) Theory of social capillarity
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    (B) Optimum Theory of population
  43. Which of the following determine India’s fertility rate?
    1. Religious importance of the male child.
    2. Social security value of children
    3. Economic value of children
    4. Intrinsic value of children

    Select the correct answer using the code given below:

    (A) 1 and 2 only
    (B) 3 and 4 only
    (C) 1, 2 and 3 only
    (D) 2, 3 and 4 only
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    (C) 1, 2 and 3 only
  44. Which one of the following is the first stage of the evolution of an institution?
    (A) Tradition
    (B) Ideology
    (C) Collective Experience
    (D) Mores
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    (B) Ideology
  45. Identify the particular element that domi­nates in the material culture:______
    (A) Religion and Morality
    (B) Science and Technology
    (C) Custom and Tradition
    (D) Folkways
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    (D) Folkways
  46. Which among the following is the indicator of open stratification system?
    (A) Ethnicity
    (B) Caste
    (C) Class
    (D) Religion
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    (C) Class
  47. Who among the following authors initially used the term ‘social physics’ for Sociology?
    (A) Spencer
    (B) Comte
    (C) Tonnies
    (D) Weber
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    (B) Comte
  48. An author thought of ‘society to be consist­ing in the consciousness of kind’. Identify from among the following:_________
    (A) Cooley
    (B) Ward
    (C) Simmel
    (D) Giddings
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    (D) Giddings
  49. Which of the following best describes sociology as a subject?
    (a) The study of individual behavior
    (b) The study of cultures
    (c) The study of society and social interaction
    (d) The study of economics
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    (c) The study of society and social interaction
  50. C. Wright Mills once said that sociologists need to develop a sociological __________ to study how society affects individuals.
    (a) culture
    (b) imagination
    (c) method
    (d) tool
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    (b) imagination
  51. A sociologist defines society as a group of people who reside in a defined area, share a culture, and who:_______
    (a) interact
    (b) work in the same industry
    (c) speak different languages
    (d) practice a recognized religion
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    (a) interact
  52. Seeing patterns means that a sociologist needs to be able to:________
    (a) compare the behavior of individuals from different societies
    (b) compare one society to another
    (c) identify similarities in how social groups respond to social pressure
    (d) compare individuals to groups
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    (c) identify similarities in how social groups respond to social pressure
  53. Which of the following was a topic of study in early sociology?
    (a) Astrology
    (b) Economics
    (c) Physics
    (d) History
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    (b) Economics
  54. Sociology has been derived from the Latin word ‘Societus’ and ‘logos’, which means:________
    (a) Friend or companion and science
    (b) Society and laws
    (c) Sociability and science
    (d) Society and science
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    (d) Society and science
  55. It was as the founder of “Positive” movement that- achieved recognition as a philosopher, and although modem sociologists do not consider his theories as anything other than a series of interesting speculations, they recognize that he was responsible for demonstrating the need for an objective systematic study of society.
    (a) Auguste Comte
    (b) Saint Simon
    (c) Herbert Spencer
    (d) Emile Durkheim
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    (a) Auguste Comte
  56. Modem sociological thought and theory, as distinct from the purely contemplative or philosophical analysis of society, emerged in the:_____
    (a) Late 17th century
    (b) Late 19th century
    (c) Late 18th century and early 19th century
    (d) Early 18th century
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    (c) Late 18th century and early 19th century
  57. Relationship central to sociology are those which involve:________
    (a) Friendliness
    (b) Conflict
    (c) Mutual recognition and the sense of something shared in common
    (d) Kinship ties
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    (c) Mutual recognition and the sense of something shared in common
  58. Underlying seemingly unconnected, contradictory, chaotic happenings, there are patterns and regularities. It is the focus of a sociologist to:______
    (a) Find and study them
    (b) Try and change them
    (c) Make them perfectly regular and patterned
    (d) Study the best patterns
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    (a) Find and study them
  59. One important advantage of socialisation is that it takes one:______
    (a) Out of group life
    (b) Leave one’s isolation
    (c) Member of political system
    (d) Realise the importance of wealth
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    (b) Leave one’s isolation
  60. ‘Group Mind’ was written by:________
    (a) Bonsanquest
    (b) Mac Dougall
    (c) Spencer
    (d) Hegel
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    (b) Mac Dougall
  61. Differences can be those of:__________
    (a) Capacity
    (b) Non-capacity
    (c) Non Interests
    (d) Lack of aptitude
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    (a) Capacity
  62. In society differences are always:______
    (a) Inborn
    (b) Adopted
    (c) Environmental
    (d) Both adopted and natural
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    (d) Both adopted and natural
  63. Who of the following had defined society as union in itself?
    (a) Giddings
    (b) A.W. Green
    (c) R.M. Maclver
    (d) John F. Cuber
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    (a) Giddings
  64. Force theory about origin of society is not accepted because it is believed that:_______
    (a) It is not historically correct
    (b) State was given by God
    (c) It creates feat in the minds of the people
    (d) It is by now clear that state is expansion of families
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    (a) It is not historically correct
  65. According to_________, self and society are not identical.
    (a) Cooley
    (b) Mead
    (c) Freud
    (d) Marx
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    (c) Freud
  66. Socialism is a _____ not a process.
    (a) Theory
    (b) Virtue
    (c) biological specialization
    (d) state of nature
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    (a) Theory
  67. In society differences grow due to:________
    (a) Socialisation
    (b) Non-specialisation
    (c) Non-socialisation
    (d) Isolation
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    (a) Socialisation
  68. Force theory about origin of society makes us believes that:______
    (a) Society was given by God
    (b) Force brought society into existence
    (c) Force has nothing to do with the emergence of society
    (d) Force has no relevance with the coming of society
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    (b) Force brought society into existence
  69. In India, the institution of family has a trend towards:________
    (a) Joint family
    (b) Single family
    (c) Patriarchal family
    (d) Matriarchal family
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    (b) Single family
  70. These days in India the institution of marriage is weakening because:_____
    (a) Our religious leaders are becoming rigid
    (b) women are becoming economically sell-sufficient
    (c) less number of people are liking to marry
    (d) people prefer small size family
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    (b) women are becoming economically sell-sufficient

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