ignou mps assignment answer 2024

IGNOU (MPS-001) Political Theory Assignment Answers

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Answer five questions in all, selecting at least two questions from each section. Each question is to be answered in about 500 words. Each question carries 20 Marks.


  1. Write a note on contemporary political theory.
  2. Examine the justifications for democracy.
  3. Discuss the nature of rights.
  4. Elaborate upon some recent debates on liberty.
  5. What is social equality? Explain.


Write a short note on each part of the following questions in about 250 words:

  1. (a) Needs, rights and deserts
    (b) Types of duties
  2. (a) Nature of citizenship
    (b) Party as Vanguard of the Proletariat (V. I. Lenin)
  3. (a) Popular Sovereignty
    (b) Civil Society
  4. (a) Concept of Authority
    (b) Legitimation
  5. (a) Civil Disobedience
    (b) Political Violence

Answer five questions in all, selecting at least two questions from each section. Each question is to be answered in about 500 words. Each question carries 20 Marks.


Contemporary Political Theory: Navigating the Complexities of the Modern World

Political theory, as a discipline, has evolved over centuries to grapple with the ever-changing landscape of politics, governance, and societal structures. Contemporary political theory, in particular, engages with the complexities of the modern world, addressing pressing issues and reflecting on the dynamics that shape the political arena. This note delves into key aspects of contemporary political theory, examining its foundations, prominent themes, and contributions to understanding and shaping the political discourse.

Foundations of Contemporary Political Theory:

Contemporary political theory emerges from a rich historical legacy that includes classical political philosophy, liberal thought, Marxist perspectives, and various strands of postmodern and feminist theories. While building on these foundations, contemporary political theorists engage with the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the 21st century.

Prominent Themes:

Globalization and Cosmopolitanism: In the contemporary era, the world has become increasingly interconnected. Political theorists grapple with the implications of globalization, examining how economic, cultural, and technological integration influence political dynamics. Cosmopolitanism, as a theme, explores notions of global citizenship and the responsibilities that individuals and states bear in an interconnected world.

Identity Politics: The resurgence of identity politics has been a defining feature of contemporary political discourse. Political theorists examine how identities based on race, gender, ethnicity, and other factors shape political participation, power dynamics, and policy outcomes. Issues of social justice, representation, and equality are central to discussions on identity politics.

Environmental Politics: With the escalating challenges posed by climate change and environmental degradation, contemporary political theory addresses the need for ecological sustainability. Theorists explore the relationship between politics and the environment, examining how governance structures can mitigate environmental crises and promote sustainable practices.

Postcolonial and Decolonial Perspectives: Acknowledging the historical legacies of colonialism, contemporary political theory incorporates postcolonial and decolonial perspectives. Scholars critically examine power relations, historical injustices, and the impact of colonial histories on contemporary political structures. This theme underscores the importance of dismantling neocolonial practices and fostering global equity.

Human Rights and Social Justice: Human rights remain a foundational concern in contemporary political theory. The discourse extends beyond traditional Western-centric perspectives, embracing a more inclusive understanding of rights. Political theorists analyze the intersectionality of human rights and social justice, addressing issues such as economic inequality, discrimination, and the protection of marginalized groups.

Technology and Politics: The rapid advancement of technology introduces novel challenges to political theory. Contemporary theorists explore the impact of digitalization, artificial intelligence, and surveillance on political structures, individual rights, and democratic processes. Discussions revolve around the ethical implications of technological innovations in shaping political landscapes.

Contributions and Critiques:

Contemporary political theory has made significant contributions to understanding and navigating the complexities of the modern world. Its emphasis on inclusivity, intersectionality, and global perspectives broadens the scope of political discourse. However, it is not without its critiques. Some argue that the proliferation of diverse theories and perspectives can lead to fragmentation and a lack of cohesive frameworks for addressing global challenges.


In conclusion, contemporary political theory serves as a vital intellectual framework for grappling with the intricacies of the modern political landscape. By incorporating diverse perspectives, addressing pressing global issues, and engaging with emerging challenges, political theorists contribute to the ongoing dialogue about the nature of governance, justice, and power in the 21st century. As the world continues to evolve, contemporary political theory remains indispensable for providing insights and guidance in navigating the complex web of political dynamics.

Democracy, as a form of governance, has been heralded as a cornerstone of modern political philosophy. The justifications for democracy are rooted in a variety of moral, political, and practical considerations that have evolved over centuries. This examination explores key justifications for democracy, shedding light on why this system of governance is often considered the most legitimate and desirable.

1. Inherent Value of Equality: One of the fundamental justifications for democracy lies in its commitment to the principle of political equality. Democracy posits that every citizen, regardless of socio-economic status, race, gender, or other characteristics, has an equal right to participate in the decision-making process. This emphasis on political equality aligns with a broader commitment to human rights and individual dignity.

2. Protection of Individual Rights: Democracy is seen as a safeguard for protecting individual rights and freedoms. The existence of democratic institutions, such as an independent judiciary, a free press, and constitutional protections, is believed to provide a check against potential abuses of power. The democratic framework aims to prevent the concentration of power in the hands of a few, thereby ensuring the preservation of individual liberties.

3. Legitimacy through Consent: Democracy derives its legitimacy from the consent of the governed. The idea is that when citizens participate in the electoral process, casting their votes for representatives and policies, they are essentially giving their consent to be governed. This voluntary participation enhances the moral authority of the government and fosters a sense of collective responsibility.

4. Accountability and Responsiveness: Democracy emphasizes the concept of accountability, where elected leaders are answerable to the electorate. Regular elections provide an opportunity for citizens to hold leaders accountable for their actions, policies, and decisions. The responsiveness of a democratic government to the needs and preferences of the people is considered a crucial aspect of its legitimacy.

5. Peaceful Resolution of Conflicts: Democracies are often associated with peaceful transitions of power. The institutionalized mechanisms for resolving political conflicts, such as elections and legal processes, reduce the likelihood of violence and authoritarian rule. The idea is that democratic societies are better equipped to manage internal tensions and disagreements through non-violent means. (Continue….)

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