indian polity mcq for competitive exam

Indian Polity MCQs For Competitive Exam

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Indian Polity MCQ For Competitive Exam

1.Which of the following statements is incorrect?
[A] Members of Lok Sabha are directly elected by the eligible voters
[B] Money Bills can only be introduced in Lok Sabha
[C] The Vice-President of India is the ex-officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha
[D] President nominates four members of Anglo-Indian Community to Lok Sabha
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[D] President nominates four members of Anglo-Indian Community to Lok Sabha

2.What is the minimum age prescribed by the Constitution of India for a candidate seeking elections to a state Legislative Assembly?
[A] 21 years
[B] 25 years
[C] 30 years
[D] 35 years
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[B] 25 years

3.What is the number of Schedules in Constitution of India?
[A] 8
[B] 10
[C] 11
[D] 12
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[D] 12

4.Who among the following was the first chairman of UPSC?
[A] Sir Ross Barker
[B] Sir David Petrie
[C] Sir Eyre Gorden
[D] Sir F.W. Robertson
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[A] Sir Ross Barker

5.Under article 368 the Indian Constitution provide methods of Amendment of different portions of the constitution?
[A] 1
[B] 2
[C] 3
[D] 4
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[C] 3

6.The council of ministers shall be collectively responsible to the house of people”. Which article states this?
[A] 75(2)
[B] 75(1)
[C] 75(4)
[D] 75(3)
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[D] 75(3)

7.Which of the following amendment bill exempted the state of Bihar from the obligation of having a tribal Welfare Minister?
[A] 92nd
[B] 93rd
[C] 94th
[D] 95th
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[C] 94th

8.The bill to amend the constitution has to be introduced & passed in which of the following houses before presenting it to President for assent?
[A] Introduced and passed in Both Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha
[B] Introduced & Passed in Lok Sabha
[C] Introduced & Passed in Rajya Sabha
[D] Introduced in both houses but can be Passed in Lok Sabha only
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[A] Introduced and passed in Both Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha

9.The functions of which of the following body in India are limited to advisory nature only?
[A] Legislative Council
[B] Rajya Sabha
[C] Lok Sabha
[D] Legislative Assembly
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[A] Legislative Council

10.Which of the following presidents of India headed the Indian Society of Labour Economics (ISLE) founded in 1957 ?
[A] Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed
[B] V. V. Giri
[C] Zakir Hussain
[D] BD Jatti
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[B] V. V. Giri

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