Ancient Indian History MCQ

  1. Which rulers established religious capital in Khajuraho?
    [A] Gupta
    [B] Maurya
    [C] Chola
    [D] Chandella
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    [D] Chandella
  2. Who was the first grammarian of Sanskrit language?
    [A] Kalidasa
    [B] Kalhana
    [C] Panini
    [D] Maitreyi
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    [C] Panini
  3. Which dynasty was ruled by Mihira Bhoja?
    [A] Pratihara
    [B] Chalukya
    [C] Rashtrakuta
    [D] Chola
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    [A] Pratihara
  4. During the reign of which of the following kings stotras and stavas came into existence in Buddhism?
    [A] Gopala
    [B] Sarvajnamitra
    [C] Chandrakirti
    [D] Santideva
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    [B] Sarvajnamitra
  5. Which of the following married the daughter of Rudradaman I?
    [A] Gautamiputra Satkarni
    [B] Simuka
    [C] Vashishthiputra Pulumayi
    [D] Yajna Sri Satakarni
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    [C] Vashishthiputra Pulumayi
  6. Vapi, Tadaga, and Dirghula refer to which of the following during the Gupta period?
    [A] Tanks
    [B] Canals
    [C] Rivers
    [D] None of the above
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    [A] Tanks
  7. Who was the commander of Samudragupta during his southern campaign?
    [A] Virasena
    [B] Harishena
    [C] Banabhatta
    [D] None of the above
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    [A] Virasena
  8. Atharva Veda is divided into ho many kandas or books?
    [A] 15
    [B] 17
    [C] 19
    [D] 20
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    [D] 20
  9. Which of the following was the contemporary of both Buddha and Mahavira?
    [A] Bimbisara
    [B] Ashoka
    [C] Chadragupta Maurya
    [D] Bindusara
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    [A] Bimbisara
  10. Which of the following were considered adharmikas?
    [A] Mauryans
    [B] Nandas
    [C] Shishunaga
    [D] None of the above
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    [B] Nandas