Ancient Indian History MCQ

  1. On which river bank the Harappan site “Manda” was situated?
    [A] Chenab
    [B] Satluj
    [C] Ravi
    [D] Indus
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    [A] Chenab
  2. What is the Mehrauli Pillar of Qutub Minar complex mainly known for?
    [A] Excellent quality steel
    [B] Statue of Buddha on top
    [C] Proverbial height
    [D] Skilful stone cutting
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    [A] Excellent quality steel
  3. What was the the capital of Pallavas?
    [A] Mahabalipuram
    [B] Kanchi
    [C] Vatapi
    [D] Trichnapalli
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    [B] Kanchi
  4. Which of the following wrote Rasaratnakara?
    [A] Madhavakar
    [B] Nagarjuna
    [C] Sridhara
    [D] None of the above
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    [B] Nagarjuna
  5. A war of succession Pulkeshin II emerged triumphant against which of the following?
    [A] Pulkeshin I
    [B] Kirtivarman I
    [C] Mangalesha
    [D] Vikramaditya I
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    [C] Mangalesha
  6. Which of the following ruled in southern Karnataka in 4th century A.D. and were contemporary of Pallavas?
    [A] Kadambas
    [B] Gangas
    [C] Cheras
    [D] Kalabhras
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    [B] Gangas
  7. To perform which among the following functions, Rajukas were appointed by Asoka?
    [A] Revenue Functions
    [B] Judicial Functions
    [C] Religious Functions
    [D] Military Functions
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    [B] Judicial Functions
  8. In which of the following periods, copper was first used?
    [A] Paleolithic
    [B] Mesolithic
    [C] Neolithic
    [D] Chalcolithic
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    [D] Chalcolithic
  9. Which of the following Upanishads gives clear reference of four Ashrams of individual’s life?
    [A] Jabala Upanishad
    [B] Katha Upanishad
    [C] Virhadranyaka Upanishad
    [D] None of the above
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    [A] Jabala Upanishad
  10. Which of the following places is known for painted rock shelters belonging to Paleolithic and Mesolithic ages ?
    [A] Utnur
    [B] Uyyur
    [C] Bhimbetka
    [D] Bairath
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    [C] Bhimbetka